
28 Edited plein [A] :: (v) (vi), plein [B] :: (ii), plein [D], plein [E] :: (ii) (iii), plein [F] :: (i) (ii), plein [G] :: (i) (ii) (iv), plein [H] :: (i) (ii), plein [I], plein [J] :: (i) (ii), plein [K], plein [L], plein [M], plein [N] :: (i) (ii) (v), plein [P] and plein [S] :: (ii) (v).
27 Added plein [T], eindhoven (vii) and amsterdam (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv) & (xv).
23 the liberation of [placeholder] was published today! :-)
19 Site redesign, & the restoration of the tannoy blog, following a disasterous failed update of drupal 6 for what was the arts & ego blog. Entries from the latter have been transferred to the former.
12 Added eindhoven (vi) and amsterdam (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v).
1 Added eindhoven (iv) & (v).