09 2020

image: blood orange colour flower escher blummen
flowers from the end of summer
image: woods in belvaux belvaux
a wood under the late summer sun
image: autumn daisy rëmeleng
a walk in the last of the summer sun
image: an odd footpath belvaux
a walk with both sides deep and steep
image: striped beetle rëmeleng
a striped beetle prepares to be eaten
image: a tree with a fringe overlooking the moselle réimich
a fringe off a small coast of Germany

image: Jacek Malczewski - Portret Wacława Karczewskiego sources
sources for my self education

image: Paintings by Alain J. Picard issues
issues re my self education

image: Paintings by Ekaterina Rebezha paintings
introduction to my new self education

image: concrete fake meat
veggie food: a rich & developed cuisine
image: concrete ww2 mythology
the brexiteer proto–religion
image: concrete pandemic
a country with a solid covid policy