
us-we walked-we walked-we-the-green
the-mow-neat bowl-neat long-sun-green
sunshine august town-park-green

see-she short-model light-touch-she
summer-dress dance-walk tall-me-she
twenty-eight actress soft-speak-she

"happy-script daft-script television-tale
super-sigh nordic-spy idiotic-tale
cash-strong series-long career-good-tale

stupid-press drunken-press i-really-can't-believe
press-release mock-piece why-do-they-believe
satire-true fun-too the-idiots-believe

see-them (far across that chain traffic road)
cameramen journalists crocodiles-all
meet-me mock-me mac-the-muck

believe-me sure-me the-princess-north
gloom-haunted gleam-haunting glamour-haunting-down
a-minister in-ministry the-minister-of-war

(and my producer grins
his stephen twigg grin)"

Hyphens suggest a slurred unit of rhythm.

image: poem


arts & ego
dish dosh
© & licence

image: set Hear

Stephen Twigg, MP,
1997 Election

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris