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friday 10.9.10

Rufo Quintavalle & guests

Exchange Dublin, 8pm

Wurm events begin after the August break with the minimalist, poised work of Rufo Quintavalle. Come and explore "not so much nothingness itself as the moment where something and nothing meet. The bare minimum one needs to tip the balance away from nihilism and into something more positive..."

Rufo is a British poet resident in Paris, author of Make Nothing Happen (Oystercatcher, 2009), and poetry editor for the award-winning online magazine nthposition.

Also on stage:

Wendy Mooney, who is completing a PhD on William Allingham, the 19th-century Irish poet you should be reading before he goes global. Her poems have been published in Poetry Ireland Review, Crannog, and the Sunday Tribune.

Catspupil, international feline of mystery, prose writer and poet, recent TCD history graduate, writes most of her better stuff up her left arm.

Admission free.

Exchange Dublin is a temperance venue. No booze please, but tea, coffee and cake if you're good. Join us for nothingness, wit, wisdom, and poems on catskin.

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wurm im apfel is Kit Fryatt.

unless otherwise stated, content on this site is © wurm im apfel.
the website is maintained by Dylan Harris.

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image: decorative space filler

the wurm im apfel & wurmfest recordings have moved here
this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978–2025 dylan harris