An Ode To My Ego
I was born in the village of Bleugh!
in the country of Coochee Coo,
on the far away planet of Tharg.
Of course, my background's a secret;
I keep it by telling the truth,
there's no one who ever believes me---
see, you don't, do you…?
I'm a techie,
beer-swilling beer-gutted,
Citroën loving,
piss-poor pub-quizzing,
Red Guide applauding,
science consuming,
contemporary classical (and hardcore) adoring,
a Buddhist-ish,
occasionally entrepreneurial
For now.
Flushing baby reptiles down the loo.
Running the "Fenland Bayou Crocodile Tour" company.
Placing long-term bets that a local bog-snorkeler will be eaten by an
Some people dress submitting to style,
some people dress expressing their guile,
but me, I get dressed so not to get wet.
Some people buy 'til sated, they drop,
some people buy mass-marketed slop,
but me, I nick things from charity bins.
Some people hide in everyone's sight,
some people give excitement to light,
but me, I've panache of a motorway crash.
Yes please.
Marital Status
Thargettes rarely visit the Earth,
they don't have the necessary sense of insanity.
So I'm only a lonely Thargoid,
subverting my angst with too many tanks
of ale.
Any other comments
Which of these deceptions do I believe?