The Skeptics’ Guide 2*

The universe is produced by SGU productions’ dead–eye cat Ted
to promote Ing–science and critique Al–thinking
(Faux Maureen1: ‘form a nation on the sand (no, there), & piss odes, please.’)

Visit our web,
sigh at the skepchicks,
guide Dot Taug2,
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notes as well
(has links).

Two hour blows,
and online foe,
(and other content).

You can send us
baker quest,
chunter too—
and thought.

The Skeptics’ Guide:
not all gore.

So please con Syd
… err … support
(drink this, chew)
to buy Viz,
ka–ching the store page,
honour Webb Ellis you will.

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scripts of iron,
Four Mages hour,

Tenors are what make the SGU possible.

*with apologies to The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe.
1affectionate nickname for figurative cleveland cross–dressers, originally rumoured to refer to Deepak Chopra.
2the Terminator’s embarrassing aunt.

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978–2024 dylan harris. some rights reserved.