the annual news majig

It’s time for that annual news majig.
still in Paris
still contracting computing skills to clients
still doing that engineering thang
still not sitting still
never will
I’ve not been sitting on my hobby arse either. In early 2011 I constructed corrupt press, a poetry press. It’s published 3 collections & 15 chapbooks from 18 difb00;erent authors. They’ve got some smashing reviews, too, supporting my belief that Paris is a rich source of English language poetry. Thanks to all the poets for their brilliant books. :-)
I’ve not put out a book this year myself, although may have something from The Knives, Forks and Spoons Press in 2012. I’ve had poetry published in magazines, which is always nice, & I’ve had some photography published, too, on magazine covers at that. Admittedly, poetry magazines, but all the same … :-)
In October, something rather unexpected happened. For the fb01;rst time since my childhood, apart from cats, I’m no longer living alone. Her name is Lana, she’s French, originally Chinese.
In early 2012, we’ll probably move to Eindhoven.