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Bindings.zip (441K).

These bindings, from a disk set called "Compuserve Source and Bindings", include code released by Digital Research to enable programmers to write GEM applications in a variety of languages, and the source code to some important GEM applications.

Many files actually consist of collections of smaller files; ensure you examine every source file before you do anything.

The full listing of the disks are:

Disk 1:
COMPS1   DOC      640   6-29-86   4:15p  *** This document
LRGCM    BND    83465   1-01-80  12:01a  *** Large Model C Bindings
TURBO    BND    75742   1-01-80  12:02a  *** Turbo Pascal BIndings
MEMORY   DOC     5522   1-01-80  12:03a  *** Useful tips on Memory Management
TUTOR    C      77934   1-01-80  12:04a  *** Source of Tutorial Program
INSTALL  C      51910   1-01-80  12:04a  *** Source of Install.App
RECORD   C      37679   1-01-80  12:05a  *** Source of Tape Recorder Program
SHELL    C       2070   1-01-80  12:00a  *** Useful routines

Disk 2:
COMPS2   DOC      315   6-29-86   4:36p  *** This document
GEMIMG   C      70468   1-01-80  12:06a  *** Collection od code to handle .IMG
                                         *** and .GEM files
ODISPL   C      12600   1-01-80  12:06a  *** Code to read/write .GEM Metafiles
SNAP     C      71044   1-01-80  12:07a  *** Source of SNAPSHOT.ACC acessory
F77      BND    41088   6-29-86   4:49p  *** IBM PROFORT Fortran 77 Bindings
PROAES   BND    64512   6-29-86   4:47p  *** IBM PROFORT Fortran 77 Bindings

Disk 3:
Seems to be Microsoft C and some Pascal bindings.

Disk 4:
A disk I've labelled "Revised GEM from Compuserve" - you'll need a copy of PKUNPAK to process the archives.

GEM is (c) Caldera Inc.

cyberspace services limited has ceased trading
this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris