

Eye wake up in a construct.
Ben Mirov, “Eye, Ghost”

Eye have trouble with my vision.
Eye wear contact lenses and eyeglasses.
Eye still can’t see what you see.
Eye have trouble sleeping.
Eye wake up in a sweat.
Eye eat too many starchy snacks at night.
Eye go from bed to couch.
Then from couch to bed.
This can happen &#fb01;ve times a night.
Eye turn on the TV and it laughs at me.
Eye linger on The Discovery Channel for too long.
Eye discover nothing and feel empty inside.
Eye can’t forget to put the recycling out.
Eye crave grilled cheese sandwiches at inopportune times
Like in the shower or when making love.
Eye turn on the fan when it is too hot.
The oscillating sounds like it’s coming from inside my skull.
Eye &#fb01;nd this comforting.
Eye can’t forget to take the laundry out of the dryer.
Eye don’t play sports anymore.
Eye need to watch my waist.
Eye am doing my best to make sense.
Eye get the feeling my TV is watching me.
Eye think my guitar misses me
But I am too shy to return its calls.
Eye don’t paint anymore.
Eye think about poetry too much.
There’s a fog in my brain only poetry can clear.
Eye can’t forget to wring my brain and hang it out to dry.

Note: “Eyewear” was the winning poem for the 2010 Eyewear Prize for Poetry.