June 28th: Rufo Quintavalle, Colin Herd & Suzanne Allen, with Meghan McNealy

19h15, 28th June at Carrs Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.

SPECIAL EVENT: The French launch of Rufo Quintavalle’s &#fb01;rst collection, Dog, cock, ape and viper, the global launch of Suzanne Allen’s chapbook, Verisimilitude, and the French launch of Colin Herd’s &#fb01;rst collection too ok. What a feast!

Rufo Quintavalle was born in London in 1978. He has lived in the American Mid-West and now lives in Paris. His books include Dog, cock, ape and viper (corrupt press, 2011), Make Nothing Happen
(Oystercatcher Press, 2009), and Liquiddity (Oystercatcher Press, 2011).

There is no other contemporary English poet quite like Quintavalle: from his extraordinary name (perhaps the most inherently exciting since “Ezra Pound”) to his exotically-imagined, deeply-thoughtful, ruefully witty, and sometimes very brief, poems, to his slightly marginalised location across the Channel, he represents a di&#fb00;erent current - one that, should he continue to write as well over the next few years, will establish him, one hopes, as a key British poet of the 2010s.”
(Todd Swi&#fb05;)

Colin Herd was born in Stirling in 1985, and now lives in Edinburgh. His &#fb01;rst collection, too ok, was published by BlazeVOX Books in 2011 and a slim chapbook, like, by The Knives Forks and Spoons Press in 2010. He reviews regularly, including poetry for Chroma Journal, art for Aesthetica and &#fb01;ction for 3:AM Magazine. He co-edits anything anymore anywhere, a poetry journal and small press.

Suzanne Allen is a native Los Angelina currently living in Paris with her dog, Filou. She teaches writing and conversational English, works as a videographer, and directs on a volunteer basis the Creative Writing and Literature Program at WICE. She drinks a cappuccino at the same caf almost every morning”with Filou”and her poems can be found on a slightly less regular basis in Upstairs at Duroc, Nerve Cowboy, Pearl, California Quarterly, Spot Literary Magazine, and Cider Press Review”who nominated her for a Pushcart Prize in 2009. She also has poetry published in the anthologies Not a Muse (Haven Books, 2009) and Strangers in Paris, (Tightrope Books, 2011,) but she is especially tickled to be the newest co-editor of the newest literary magazine in Paris, issue.Zero, as well as a corrupt press author with her new chapbook, Verisimilitude.

Carrs Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.