antwerp (iv) :: 1

two cultures conflicted
nation distressed
united despite

lebanese café
in belgium

two cultures conflicted
nation distressed
united despite
& invaded

lebanese café
in belgium

two cultures conflicted
nation distressed
blood of their babies

lebanese café
in belgium

two cultures conflicted
blood of their babies
inhumanity headed

lebanese café
in belgium

nationists then
nationists now
inhumanity headed

lebanese café
in belgium

nationists now
nationists then
iteration excuses

lebanese café
in belgium

image: poem


arts & ego
dish dosh
© & licence

image: podcast podcast

antwerp (i)
0 1 2 3 4

antwerp (ii)
schelde foot tunnel
tram lines
new city
so many bars
talking poetry
for pete's sake image: may offend language bigots

antwerp (iii)

antwerp (iv)
1 2

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris