productantwerppublished by wurm press
an other peoples’ country
antwerp dry–witted flanders’ hip
visit breath inhabit feel
in these my alien eye see
a broad brit abroad “full of vivacious, energetic poetry that’s a shock to the ear and mind, a delight. And funny.” (Maurice Scully) “Your best poems are clear, in a particular manner of verbal clarity. The sonics are so projected and balanced that the words effect their own realisation. I think. Like that sudden “Appleby” ” (Peter Riley) “I heard dylan harris read some of his work at a small café in Cambridge and I suddenly had a life raft thrown my way, I realised it was all about not grasping but letting go, it was not about trying to tease out meaning but bringing my own meaning to it.” (Andrea Porter) 72 pages, perfect bound, ISBN 978-0-9563732-0-5, Creative Commons Attribution Non–Commercial Share Alike 2.0 Belgium licence (all poems are on this website), published by wurm press, €12 More at wurm press. flock stateHip hop, without the hip, without the … hop … er …. “Actually, I was groovin’ on some Devon Garde yesterday. Some of it has a sehr cool german synth vibe” (Meri von KleinSmid) “Great release if you like repetitive trance inducing music that is heavier than most.” More, including a free booklet and links to tracks, at devon garde. Buy online at Amazon, emusic, and other stores. europeA wurm press chapbook, “Europe”. “a good little chapbook” (Peter Philpott) “dylan harris’s new book Europe, in an admirably citizenly yet colloquial vein, pulls out all the unarticulated stops of any so–called ‘Union’, to represent a re–marking of his personal map. A kind of unstoppable train wreck from any British perspective. But from a European one, a daring literary feat. One in which ‘accelerating is language English’ and ‘social life glows momentarily / on winter Sunday evenings / in the pub quiz league.’” (Stephen Rodefer) 20 pages, chapbook, Creative Commons Attribution Non–Commercial Share Alike 2.0 Belgium licence (all poems are on this website), published by wurm press. More at wurm im apfel.
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