
30 Edited On The Sonnet. Recorded & podcasted the word the world.
27 Added 4C2. Added and edited plains :: (iv).
23 Edited the word the world [B] :: (i), (ii), (iv) & (vi).
22 Edited the word the world [A] (was the word the world (i)) :: (iii).
21 Edited waterford fronts, and the word the world (i) :: (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi).
17 Added 4C1 and plains :: (iii).
12 Added 4Bζ. Edited 4B8, 4Bδ & 4Bε.
10 Added plains. Edited 4B8, 4Bα, 4Bβ, 4Bγ, 4Bδ & 4Bε.
9 Added 4B7, 4B8, 4B9, 4Bα, 4Bβ, 4Bγ, 4Bδ & 4Bε.
5 More angst cycle (iii). First entry in the 2011 tannoy.
1 Added 4B4, 4B5 & 4B6.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved