
30 Added, edited and promoted all hands (vi). Edited all hands (v).
29 Added, edited and promoted all hands (v).
28 Promoted sometimes a guy just needs a beer :: tail up. Edited and promoted burton and all hands (iv).
27 Added sometimes a guy just needs a beer :: tail up and burton.
26 Added all hands (iv).
25 Edited all hands (iii).
24 Edited all hands (iii).
23 Added, edited and promoted all hands (iii).
22 Edited and promoted sometimes a guy just needs a beer :: beer & poetry, white the train, i am the air, not ten, stroke, no, cliché, i am hit, from quake 2, i’ve seen, he’s not me and so.
21 Added sometimes a guy just needs a beer :: beer & poetry, white the train, i am the air, not ten, stroke, no, cliché, i am hit, from quake 2, i’ve seen, he’s not me and so.
20 Edited finse (ii) (iv) (vi). Posted some entries in my and my poetry videocast recently.
18 Added finse.
15 Added, edited and promoted finse (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi). Added details of my bergen set.
3 Refreshed the GEM pages.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved