
20 Added papers :: the daily mail, the daily express, the sun, the times, the daily telegraph, the guardian and the independent.
16 Edited antwerpen :: 0, 1, 3 and 4.
15 Edited and promoted antwerpen :: 0, 1 (was 4), 2, 3 (was 1) and 4 (was 3).
13 Edited antwerpen :: 0, 1 and 2. Added 4.
11 I’ve clearly got a new sequence; these poems are now assembled as antwerpen :: 0 (was chopin & the chilli wars), 1 (was height height), 2 (edited, was longroad) and 3 image: uses powerful language (edited, was swifts).
10 Added longroad. These last three poems clearly belong to a new sequence.
9 Added swifts.
7 Added height height.
3 Added chopin & the chilli wars. Working near Antwerp.

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