
29 Added england corrupted. Edited uncivil law’s age, injustice, complexity, money, flame, invention, consent, piano, parliament, citizen, bones, health and fear.
29 Edited Expanding Horizons, an engineering rush new scientist, a song so dire (retitled from song), the argument, random luck, homework, hymnen, recreated arts, the game, theology and the anitrant.
28 Edited the introduction to the Fugues. Edited an engineering rush new scientist, the argument, random luck, homework, recreated arts, the game, theology, rushed off and the anitrant.
27 Promoted China Poem and Underneath The Loch. Edit and promoted A Horrible Day. Edited an engineering rush 2 3. Decided the end of an engineering rush 3 was a separate poem, so added an engineering rush 4 and bumped the other ones up, again. I’ve got fed up with this renumbering, so I’ve retitled the sequence (and the files) to new scientist (1), song (2), the argument (3), random luck (4), homework (5), hymnen (6), recreated arts (7), the game (8), theology (9), rushed off (10) and the anitrant (11).
26 Edited an engineering rush 1.
25 Edited China Poem, Underneath The Loch and A Horrible Day. Oh, and happy “Scrooge Day”. Well, he was a moral green led astray by evil spirits. It seems right to remember him on this day, poor chap—especially since I’m likely to be led astray by evil spirits, too (I can’t afford the good ones).
23 Added China Poem.
21 It’s one of those wee little ironies that excites the flour brains: today, the day of the Winter Solstice, I learned the magazine Equinox has accepted The Pub Quiz League for their Spring Equinox edition. It’s the first poem I wrote in my second phase of writing. Edited Underneath The Loch and old man Keats.
19 Edited Underneath The Loch.
17 Edited Underneath The Loch, and the monitor nag on the front page.
16 Edited Underneath The Loch.
14 Edited Underneath The Loch, A Horrible Day, an engineering rush 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and my introduction.
13 Added A Horrible Day and Underneath The Loch. Edited i’d prefer to remember summer. Split history into monthly pages; it was getting big, and likely to get a lot bigger (subject, of course, to the the whims of the Gods).
10 Edited an engineering rush 2. At CB1, John Drew kindly gave me a copy of his “The Buddha at Kamakura”. He signed it with an extra Buddha poem. This was a happily received unexpected gift.
7 Edited an engineering rush 2.
6 Combined push pop, select, techno, what (renamed from what is and promoted) and Copyleft into Poetry. Combined lord pisswater’s clarion (revised), beer and pindar and damn the clarion (revised and promoted) into The Clarion. Promoted old man Keats and i’d prefer to remember summer. Edited an engineering rush 1. I’m “pleased” to announce I’ve written the world’s most appalling song. It’s the new an engineering rush 2 (bumping the remainder up by one).
4 Revised damn the clarion, old man Keats, i’d prefer to remember summer and what is.
3 Revised old man Keats.

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