big town blues (i)
that is you luxembourgers’ fault

you know how fish
     fell out the sky
          last week
that is you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you pay for fish to fly
the plane to fade in flight

you know how wolves
     howl at each among
          every moon
that is you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you sneak about at night
hammering nails in paws

you know how flowers
     rot and die
          once picked
that is you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you pace about the earth
pouring acid into vases

you know how tsunamis
     wipe the life
          from coastal plains
that is you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you force the fishermen
to live and love on seaside shores

you know the ancient hills
     where ancient mills
          lie ruined
that is you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you dance the earthquakes
that make the mountains sink

you know the supernova
     that shocked the sun
          to form
that was you luxembourgers’ fault
i know you stared so carelessly
at the shyest of the stars

never mind humanity
never mind the world
every problem everywhere
every problem everywhen
is caused by curséd luxemen

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