
12—30 Redesigning and rebuilding site.
25 Edited and promoted sore did.
24 Added sore did.
11 Added images to why i’m veggie, living in antwerp and living in luxembourg. Withdrew respect because the social web widgets use flash.
10 Added and edited big town blues (viii) :: burning, the competition, cast, no refreshment & coda. Edited big town blues (vii) :: chum like. Revised hello and the site home.
9 Divided 8.9.9 into pond and tree, expanding both. Edited and promoted big town blues (vii) :: drunks (was lost), chum like and big town blues (viii) :: himbeeren, cat gut, objectivity’s a myth.
8 Added 8.9.9 to 2009. Added watermarks to images.
7 Moved alnmouth to personal. Removed duplicates from north woolwich.