sea nerd blog


image: an image

This is the sea nerd blog, named to keep a silly pun going. Anyway, the sea throws random crap at you until you drown. The analogy seems apt.

My blogs were a mess. I tried to align them with core interests. Then I’ve found the rubbish I wrote wasn’t limited to what I know I don’t know.

So I’ve given up. I’m disaligning them. Everything goes here now.

The older puncasts include:
scene herd,
see nerd and
seen heard.

There’s also:
devon garde,
tannoy and
— some archived blogs.

What a mess! That’s why I’ve decided, sod it, from now on, I’m going to throw everything in one place.

And I’m starting with quite a lot of everything. The first few pages are things from the last couple of years that didn’t suite c–nerd blog, project or tannoy.

As always, the sea nerd menus are in the right place.

Look! There! There they are.
