my father was a ufo
eating passengers for tea
afore he went to bed
he ran the tale of me
my father was an aircraft ship
his arm around the sea
afore he went to bed
he ran the tale of me
my father was a hobbit dwarf
making myth for thee
afore he went to bed
he ran the tale of me
my father was the emperor
of factory 63
afore he went to bed
he ran the tale of me
my father was the counter–ghost
he warmed the winds of plea
afore he went to bed
he ran the tale of me
my father’s post computer
from the singularity
before he builds his birthing bed
he’ll run the tale of me
so what works when you break the day
the bitten life?
the wandering back across the town?
did you see those trees?
you just walked past
didn’t you?
spring is just some unnoticed event
and summer
will that ever be more than sweat?
will the bright days merely mean
turning on the lights later?
is that all you see
electricity bills?
so where’s the blind watchmaker now?
it’s autumn you know
body fade dissolute
psyché to the entangled crypt
we pupate
the reflections adulated
the strange riding complexity
their unnewformability
where is the A rush
i shall be the angel of eternity
i’ll jump relighting branes
i’ll bound across the multiverse
and you shall be
born reborn
as i am the art
the A rush
the night overlong
online fora
… la caffeine de la politique …
click drumroll
challenge comes where where
aha ill–judged
lemme check
got him
“but the facts are …”
the loud brandish ire won’t think
the nitty argue grit irration
the black bright bloom of scar rubbed hate
& me the reference bore
but allies engage
so what’s it for
keeping mental fists fit
possession’s ownership discarded
no longer mild nostalgia replayed at bored will
the listening must wait for random radio schedule
or rare shared taste in complexity
an intellectual heat best held back unfed
to audience
no more only opened by my hand
pausing shallow tales retold
nor exploration of non– sequential centuries
libraries will help me roll speculation
the texture of someone else’s careful dream
ingested rewritten thrown
no rectangle again captured sight
no wild land linear geometry
no raw cultivation
no mechanical ecology
these i will revisit
creating sarcastic dimensional click shots
sneering this plodding nation’s dalek bigotry
a machine hammer
over your tomorrow’s skull
the journey
but you can duplicate
try all ways & each
clone you will
a half dozen yous
arriving all roads
goal achieved
the yous
surrender selves
in union
elephant admires ant
tries leafwalking
stanza & some
elsepage font counterset
print élan erased
elephant admires terrier
tries ratting
pages exact select
number instruct
cum crapness delicto
selection corrupted
elephant admires drunk
tries pub door
hey mr mouse
i’ve a job for you
The fear is not of something new
but “can the mind absorb it?”.
Like helpless dreams, a tension bout,
this fear’s control, to lose it.
Is this where the phobics herd,
who dare not stand nor face it,
and call me rude, a geek or nerd,
if I declare to ride it?
And so I climb the higher path,
accelerating self.
Peacock faces worry up,
huddle. But I’ve done it. I know:
I’ve learnt the new technology,
uncared those sneering weenies.
I turn my back and grin the dawn.
I’m Gawain. They are the was.
spring sun city
short affair
stretch nederlands
sprekt comradeship
spring breeze table
strong food
careful colour fashion
lust buzz
& one in three
votes for hate
gets hate
baby bulleted dead
from rotted hearts
to luxembourg
bourgeoisie shire
Hear the twinkles scrambled down
for cash alone,
a have-to-scratch, a keeps–on–itching
scab of sound,
the lyrics rhyme like you’re a cat
and someone’s stamping on your tail;
nursery verse for nursery heads.
Those sneering noises still fix anger
in my thoughts
with junky tunes injected every spin;
they empty sensibility
like acid empties eyes:
nursery verse for nursery heads.
Oh, consumer kings, oh how
you show respect
to those addicted to your same again:
nursery verse from nursery heads.
the roads of then bright
walk age i
planners’ map lines stride yellow
“buses route there”
i shall break your bus
the sister
school order
commerce green bus
blow round home queue
fare eaten plead
we shall unmake your bus
the council
if i plain proud
unlucked begin no fool
a do what i can man
i’d responsibility care bus drive
we shall fust your bus
the state
the once road many go
bus now stride
on plan yellow
assumpted at long past rose
In a pub of pensioned men
and stale décor,
two newly women enter:
one fires her smile.
She’s young and tough,
and her hair says she’s trying too hard,
and she’s occupying clothes
that leave so much caress undressed:
she’s raw, her own self–portrait.
But that glance was mercantile:
I was about to buy a drink.
Yet the smile was welcome,
like the scent of shocked basil
on a humid summer day.
a land
of bright
sky swings
the ropes may be contrails
nothing more
that frozen adventures
falling out the back of
but the seats are
hard and solid
dedicated myth
the kind
that kill
by inattention
i walk across them everyday
ice on a black bridge
three stories up
i’m out of the colour red
my eyes see early blue in faces
green and sky black rain
i’m out of the taste of hot
all is turmeric and cheese
no coffee no chilli no wild
i’m out of the shine in eyes
mine i think everywhere i look
half life automaton stagger at shop
i’m out of the shock of cold rain
no that’s i need the shock of cold rain
it’s time for november it’s time for ice
it’s time for that scream of the skin
a sow
laden with flush
heavy motherhood
sat on a sofa
i awaited piglets
motion squeak eager
but no
was seeing
swirl pattern
curtain collar
soft pink shirt
blood red buttons
a man
there’d be no wee
battering about
just snarky comments
tally was 2 u–boats and a minky
acquire all male pups
skelet kabinet
vakantie zee
speel met enorme ballonnen
loss of the country’s largest tourist
invest in delusional
skelet kabinet
mijn grootste bol
garage en pressie atmosfeer
species had a haremic
extinction followed a condom
skelet centraal
de ballon vloog
boven het meer
inverness police suspect the terrorist
noise abatement society
moonshine fire cathedral
mechelse embleem
my goodbyeing purrtrips stone low doors
gloom loom
walk short emptiness de markt
de grote markt
this wrong town too
i’ll rue depart
and heavyland target
are you om kirke? te deum?
and the living AWK your reputation counters
your architecture states
am you error?
is ever am dragmove error?
ever’s gaan?
ik zal zien