June 18th: Sue Chenette, Dylan Harris and Andrew Parkin
Tuesday, June 18 starting at 7 p.m. POETS LIVE’s last reading before September, at Carr’s Pub,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Métro: Tuileries or Concorde. Drinks upstairs at the bar at 7 p.m., Poetry downstairs at 7.30 sharp, please!
Come hear and celebrate the poetry of:
Sue Chenette, a classical pianist as well as a poet, grew up in northern Wisconsin, lives in Toronto, and spends time in Paris whenever she can. She is an editor for the Canadian poetry press Brick Books, and co-editor of the anthology Cry Uncle, from Aeolus Press. Her books include Slender Human Weight (Guernica Editions, 2009), long-listed for the ReLit award, and The Bones of his Being (Guernica Editions, 2012), as well as three chapbooks: Solitude in Cloud and Sun, A Transport of Grief, and The Time Between Us, which won the Canadian Poetry Association’s Shaunt Basmajian Award. Her poems have been widely anthologized and have appeared in literary journals in Canada and the U.S., and in the Paris journal Upstairs at Duroc.
Dylan Harris was born. In 1957 in the UK just before the launch of sputnik in Dublin. Where he co-founded & co-operated wurm? Im apfel in Paris he launched poets live and corrupt. Press in Luxembourg he hasn’t done much. Yet his books include antwerp and the liberation. of [placeholder] see more. Works at dylanharris.org.
Andrew Parkin has been an active poet since emigrating from England to Canada in 1970. His &#fb01;rst collection, Dancers in a Web (Turnstone Press, 1987, reprinted 1991), a later one, Hong Kong Poems (Ronsdale,1997, reprinted 1999 ), and most recently Star with a Thousand Moons (Ekstasis) were all published in Canada. A distinguished Canadian critic, Jack Stewart, has published essays on Andrew’s poetry. Andrew has given readings in many di&#fb00;erent countries and has been asked to read in Vancouver in September this year for the Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association. He lives in Paris as well as Canada.
A review of this reading can be found here.