I found the time to return to Flanders for some photography, but it didn’t really work out. I did get a couple of photos in Bruges, despite the surprisingly dirty water.
I also took at look at Gent, but that was even worse, with the exception of a lucky phone shot. It didn’t help that it took me an hour to return to the station, because of some tramworks. There was, however, an almightly jumble sale in the town, which L would have absolutely loved, so I’m going to see if I can set up a revisit for that.
I stayed in Mechelen—I used to live there and wanted a haunt that flaunts. It is still absolutely stunning, like many Flemish towns. The main problem was my Dutch; my accent is absolutely dreadful. I going to have to do something about that.
So this two things combine: we need a revisit for me to practice my Flemish (on dear, I’ll have to browse backstreet bars and chat with the locals), whilst L explores a humungous jumble sale, spending happy hours looking and touching and discussing.
What photos there were from this trip are brugge :: (vii) (viii), flanders, and mechelen :: (v).