
30 Added another interesting fact to uncivil law :: introduction (and 20.0f). It turns out Gladstone had a telephone in 1880. The beagles have only had a century and a quarter to come to terms with them. I’m impressed at their long term inability to notice.
24 Edited The Clarion :: Papers. Moved Software Engineering from 20.0a to 20.0b. Swapped Copyleft in 20.0g with Before The Bush War in 20.0a. Added the remaining Clarion poems to 20.0a. The effect is 20.0a has shrunk by one side, and 20.0b has expanded by four.
20 Remixed To Let and A Mary Car…, flock state.
19 Remixed To Let, the A rush and flock state.
18 Remixed flock state.
17 Remixed flock state, including selecting different extracts from the original sequence.
16 Remixed flock state and A Mary Car….
15 Remixed flock state and A Mary Car….
14 Set flock state. Needs work yet.
13 Edited tin rush :: po ba fi vo pp ti fu ag av hu ei and xu.
12 Edited and promoted tin rush :: po ba fi vo pp ti fu ni ag av ee hu and ei. Added and promoted tin rush :: xu. I’ve only just discovered this is not the final rush. Added 20.0n.
10 Edited To Let Too and my CV.
9 Added A summary of uncivil law. Edited To Let Too and my CV. Remixed To Let.
7 Remixed the A rush. Edited and promoted cold pity and To Let Too. Edited Poetry :: select and my CV.
5 Edited cold pity and To Let Too.
4 Added cold pity and To Let Too.
3 Remixed A Mary Car…. Added detail pages for each devon garde track. I see President Nero was re–elected.
2 Remixed A Mary Car… (was Naming Over There). Not quite there yet.
1 Set Naming Over There.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved