
27 Edited 95, armchair firefighting (ii) (iv), finse (vi) and sometimes a guy just needs a beer beer & poetry. Recorded 95, armchair firefighting (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii), burton, la chanson du singe, cramps, Empty Land, fallons, finse (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi), ignoring the …, sometimes a guy just needs a beer beer & poetry white the train i am the air not ten stroke no cliché i am hit from quake 2 i’ve seen he’s not me so tail up, weekend and wing mirror.
25 Edited and promoted weekend.
24 Added weekend.
21 Edited cramps.
20 Added, edited and promoted cramps.
19 Added Wurm im Apfel. Disconnected from webrings. Their enforced uglification of webpages wasn’t worth the twenty hits a month they generated, when, for example, Beemp3.com generates 4,000.
18 Edited watch the desire of love to exist.
17 Added, edited and promoted armchair firefighting (vii).
15 Added, edited and promoted la chanson du singe.
14 Edited and promoted lege land (was een legel land) and Empty land (was An empty land).
13 Added een lege land and an empty land. This are different poems, despite the titles.
11 Edited wing mirror.
10 Edited and promoted wing mirror.
9 Added and edited wing mirror.
6 Restored all hands to its original two poems. Moved the other poems from all hands into armchair firefighting, decrementing their indexes by two. Added, edited and promoted armchair firefighting (vi).
5 Posted flock state and intruder alert, the last two Devon Garde videocasts; well, last two until I write more music.
2 Added, edited and promoted all hands (vii).
1 Added and promoted ignoring the …. Edited all hands (vi).

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