see nerd)
horrid coincidence
Stockhausen has influenced my poetry in a number of ways. This includes a couple of horrid coincidences. I named one of my longer poems after his work Hymnen: the loneliness and isolation I heard in his music of that name inspired me. Although I started my work in the late 1980s, I only got the chance to perform it fully a decade later (at CB1 Poetry). It took a few weeks to prepare and get right. Unfortunately, events of the day changed everything. I still performed the poem, I decided I had to, but I cut some lines. The day was September 11th, 2001. My sequence of poems C++ have been collected in the book Literature and Science, edited by Philip Coleman, publish by Four Courts Press, Dublin. This is the first time such collecting has happened to my work. The book launch was earlier this month. I was there, and enjoyed myself. Stockhausen had died that day. 20.12.7 |
I was hoping to get to his 80th birthday concert series next year, having managed to attend a concert in last year’s series. That performance, of Komet amongst other pieces, was very much a staged work, not just music, and I wanted to see more. I love his music, even naming a poem for a piece that directly inspired it (with his permission, I might add). I bought CDs directly from his home business. My next purchase was going to be the Licht operas, so far as possible given a couple remain unrecorded. There are a lot of stories turning up around the man, which make him sound somewhat cuckoo. Ignore them, just listen to the music. It’s wonderful. 7.12.7 |
nowhere to park?
LATER: Switzerland didn’t work out. 4.12.7 |
I’ve tried packages such as Apple’s iLife. This, and the new ‘casts, are produced by iLife. It creates good looking results that fit neatly into a good looking, small site, formula. That’s not me. I’ve tried packages for larger sites, such as Microsoft’s Expression Web. They create good looking results that fit neatly into a good looking, corporate, formula. That’s not me either. Most of this site is hand–coded HTML. I’ll have to write a program to migrate the existing content. If I’m going to do that, I might as well go further and build software to generate the new site. Since I’m writing the software, I can fully control the results; I don’t have to submit to someone else’s meta–template. So I’m aiming for a site that’ll visually appeal to a photographer (me), with content that appeals to a poet (me), assembled by a programmer (me). And all three object to fuss. But this will occupy me. You should expect fewer updates in the meantime. 11.11.7 |
for devon garde
He’s got a point. So I’ve acquired some decent kit, & I’ll be remixing and posting his work as and when. Keep you eye on the new Devon Garde videocast. I hope that he’ll want to make some more music. It’s embarrassing to admit, but his music gets the most hits on this site. 27.10.7 |
classic poetry aloud
The guy who recites this English language poetry is clear & precise, and sounds the poetic effect very well. I’m not always convinced by his emotional voice, but you can fill that in yourself. He’s got a very British accent, incidentally: Oxford, I think. I recently found a recording of Yeats reciting, and he’s incredible. It’s on volume 1 of Poetry on Record, which I found enthralling. I wonder if the original recording’s online somewhere; it has got to be well out of copyright. 21.10.7 |
recited poetry online
I’ve been hoovering Ubu’s sound poetry, and the Archive of the Now, into my new iPod. My vacuum action has raided Salt and Bloodaxe, and will target epoetry and epoetry. There is much to explore. Is it an abuse of poets’ work to shuffle their recitals as accompaniment to the 9–5? 14.10.7 |
Actually, it’s a short comedy sketch. It’s in Dutch. 12.10.7 |
poetry podcast images
I apply different textures as the poem is recited. They’re made using beginners’ tools in Studio Artist. 10.10.7 |
The original content remains, is still maintained. 9.10.7 |
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