
31 I’ve added beer opinionation.
29 I’ve added squirrels’ bollocks, and, again, edited the annual news majig, and many new old blog entries.
26 I’ve edited the annual news majig, and many of the new old blog entries.
22 I’ve added a note on the backfilling to the blog.
20 I’ve added untitled (xxiv), added & edited in praise of Eva Batt, and edited my annual news majig. I’ve withdrawn the terms & conditions of use, privacy & cookies, terms & conditions of sale, returns policy and delivery policy: they need more thought.
19 I’ve edited my annual news majig, and integrated some old letters into the blog.
18 I’ve added 2015’s annual news majig.
17 Edited baccy junkies.
16 I’ve added and edited baccy junkies, and added sue (ii).
13 I’ve moved the wurm press archive.
12 I’ve added poets live 1 & 2, and added and edited the blog entry trump watch.
7 I’ve added podcasts for the poetry series recording archive, centralising recordings of wurm im apfel, wurmfest, poets live and miscellaneous recordings.
6 I’ve added the blog entry pickled onions.
5 I’ve added msg 3 & msg 4 to reflets, and edited ten years.
4 I’ve added the blog entry ten years.
ancient front