blog index


small glasses


reflets  2016—pffft  medicine and veggieness  Inceptio  rescue beagle  after is before  trilingual chat  more on damage  trump  congratulate  on damage  autocorrect  doom  lux brit  wurm  poets live  forecasts  buying clothes  more deus ex  health systems  cascade  west anglia  deus ex  outlook calendar  memory  onedrive  dalgliesh again  windows 10 phone  righteous rain  cheddar  pc world  nigel’s art  russ’s & liz’s wedding  north sea  customs  dmoz  smaller things  small things  artificial intelligence  july konscht am gronn  dalgliesh  languages  ancillary  james & AI  music for pleasure  podcasts  PC Peter Grant  aperture  konscht am gronn  gas gas gas  pets  boaty mcboatface  nationality  the gimp  brexiters  possessive plural  other humans  ordering prints  i passed  on an insanity  exam boo  mainentityofpage  isfamilyfriendly  no sympathy  follow your pen  progenitors  booze is ever bad  exercise  longwy parade  ubuntu GUIs  tracy mansion  ovaltine postcard  on ad–blockers  raspberry pi  fear & photography  final feast  ciao takeshi kovacs  preset feast 4  el capitan fail  licence update  preset feast 3  fusion postscript  brainache  preset feast 2  fusion and windows  preset feast  brain train  font change  bus nerves  centos 7 proxy bork  annual news majig

brexit :: government  special  no freedom  sharpest  we emigrants  no tension  civil war  shame  england  referendum  on ulster  economics  peasants  no policy  first reaction  remain  in reply  on being abandoned  democracy

poets :: Sofia M. Starnes  S.B. Smith  Paul Kohl  John J Ronan  Carl Rakosi

home pages :: Vadim Zaliva  evermynd  Sarah Andrews  Ali, Mang  Ali & Jones  Darren Adams  Martin Rebas  Rhymer Rigby  Brandon Harris

photographers :: Joseph Russell


squirrels’ bollox  new old blog  in praise of Eva Batt  beer opinionation  baccy junkies  trump watch  pickled onions  ten years  more presets  paris  foul mood  photographing models  OS X mail (again)  fluffy hype  rebus’s armchair  WTF  site design  nonsense canaries  CV  the register lies  sent to the wrong place  coughs in the audience  irony and america  engineering morality  typefaces  RIP Rodefer  when genre bored  nationality  collective noun  refactor  a language that’s new  WTF  lux lingo  minus isn’t hyphen  knowledge, not rules  utrecht  more presets  tax authorities  winner’s statement  konscht am gronn 2  diplomacy  animal self–awareness  autoimmune diseases  windows phone  spatial attribute  Konscht am Gronn  geek CV  grammar pedant  arts CV  honest CV  ibooks  mac spreadsheets  yosemite  spelling  bipedal donkeys  talking with religion  open letter  us & them  potter

lëtzebuergesch :: kleeschum kënnt am lëtzebuerg  obama schwätzt lëtzebuergesch?!  lëtzebuergesch

rescan :: early portraits  early landscapes  young liberals  daws hill peace camp


appalling 8.1 bug  windows phone 8.1  more mass conspiracy  soekris 4826  mass conspiracy theories  oneDrive  there is no demand  AI  quackery & the media  potty  rant  womanhood  three point plan  life span  half nine  htc sensation  more podcast app idiocy  the culture of incompetence  green energy  the scottish vote  september  Rod Mengham  information again  IMEO  konscht am gronn 5  no hat is big enough  mavericks … certificates  experience of nagios  fulfilling a lifelong dream  jacket 2  … and more mac  podcast app addendum  iTunes Podcast app  greengrocers  studio artist presets  BCD–2  giraffe bus stop  schueberfouer  soekris 4826 flashboot  itunes, again, again  nrpe hack  lazy journalism  canada bans marmite  itunes, again  saarbrücken  konscht am gronn 4  hah!  nagios reinstallation  the art of failure  koblenz  automatic reply  palestine, again  beien an der stad  blues  GPS  konscht am gronn 3  literally  glen livet  tattoo  video bombs  to do  leadership  quality & context  skype  end of privacy  post–snowden  explanation  fracking  bishop berkeley  dear colleague  luxembourg euro–elections  faceboot  szirtes and poetry  paxman and poetry  konscht am gronn 2  linked off  ebay  in our time  racists win english euros  4826–5  the postal donkey  the flexibility of reflection  modernist porn  google versus privacy  4826–4  closer  deus ex again  books  after konscht am gronn  before konscht am gronn  cokin prism  apple xcode  lier  leuven / louvain  FFS  Deus Ex Human Revolution  monsters  farage  heavenwards  frozen  library  conditions of sale  lingua franca  found poetry  trier  dinosaurs  grammar  tin lid  two trains  prothlesizers  anti–immigration  outlook  sampler  iTunes 11, iPods …

4826 :: 4826-3  4826 again  status  new  renew  4826


denial  Marshall McLuhan  deep life  birdsong  religion & science  scandal  the next big thing  glass  explorer  iCloud  bits falling off  portal 2  more searching …  bad poetry  the decline of google search  IE & certificates  engineering ego  gender binary  snowden  ubuntu linux  OS/X Server  stumble upon  luxembourgish  zero day  tingle balls  crowds  conspiracists  cambridge  nerd  water  cat  wiltz  coffee  arlon

home networking :: Setup  Wires  OS X Server  Fusion  Windows server  Nagios  context  approach  me too

snort :: Why I’m doing this  Soekris kit  OpenBSD 5.2  Snort  Oinkmaster 2.0  Barnyard 2  BASE  Snort2pf  Swatch


lobbying organisations  audible  self–portrait  bread  listen  hen  beer  paris  languages  faceboot  … unfortunate nationalism  dirt  Dear Esther  migraine wash  ouch  lexicon valley  still action  the british national abscess  windows 8  software being stupid  tannoy returns  tea


annual news majig  eindhoven  acorn  corrupt press  still useless  20 questions  revisited  apple’s app store  dublin  Brightness Reef  The City and the City  Haze  Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy  The Orphaned Worlds  Revelation Space  Terminal World  Uplift War trilogy


star’s end  yobbo adverters  hitchins  lack of presentation skills  more facebook  confession  facebook  edgar quinet  soundeye  scott’s lyrics  is facebook socially inept  figure  last weekend  portable  was  ebooks  podcasts  dinner party

poetry :: Howl  Knives, Forks and Spoons  René Van Valckenborch


new year  paris  wurmfest  c++ and concepts  again, word  photography  thou  wurm  songlight  movies  new fotos  scan monster  anyone there  old image  interesting poetry  hacked off with lulu  poetry, …  tesco  a season of small insanities  about arts \ ego  brits elect racists  unforgivable  the gimp  the irish taxman  busy busy buzz buzz  … recovery by export  the puritan uk  ego google boo futurism  PN09  ruined reputation  skiffy  time to punt the CV again  more open office bugs  the complement pompous  dear eircom  … boring bossman …  bye bye flight simulator  french classes  making software annoying  a political was  a foreigner observes dublin  collection reprise  coffee machine  an interesting realisation


… canard address  collection?  westvleteren  busy busy busy  domestic incidental  dress codes  next  insecure social  other companies …  … PC World  … vodaphone  europe: a chapbook  … word processors …  wurm im apfel  more french  more dutch  devon on hold  the perfect podcast episode  needing a social change  still stockhausen  the four horsemen  electronic literature …  bergen elit  black loft  exploring electronic music  flock state album  bergen laptop  soundeye  kittens  living in dublin  down down  poetry in andere talen  goodbye hello  essex  jazz and the prozac factory  deep in grrr mode


horrid coincidence  stockhausen  nowhere to park?  change  for devon garde  classic poetry aloud  recited poetry online  drama  poetry podcast images  german  less  photography  new year  sony MDR–NC11A  nationalism and racism  ePoetry 2007  fail: car radio


kitchen sink  the dragon dies  welcome home  cccp  james fenton  film puff  Visual C++ 8  Open Office  lip service  living in antwerp  living in luxembourg

po pro :: requirements  architecture  UI (frame poem dialogue) data (general context poem dictionary form)

poetry :: Evidence of Red On The Border Otters and Martens Trilce

UI :: Introduction  Concepts  Form  Standard Approaches


selling samantha  the cold and wet  cellar  pickled onions  against competitions  summit  degrammar  gibson  7  mornington crescent  slits  sensible  xp  rave

poetry :: Acrylic Tips  Anatman, Pumpkin Seed, Algorithm  DaDaDa  Last Chap Natural Causes  Poem On A Train  Psychic Death Theatre The Rictus Flag  Call of Duty 2  Half Life 2  Prisoner Of War  Quake 4  Western Desperado

wild :: eyebrow shampoo  cats created civilisation?  store flyers  Eating … in England  black background


cambridge  court corruption  hippo rumble  eu constitution  language  motor fur  rock spam  water  creativity’s a cat  molly  word  iran & the us  triodes  furtherance  big yellow box  egoboo  firewater  cccp  tips  mark taverner  strands  reality argument  dangerous women  i’m a gnu  horror  safety cameras  big yellow boxes  not paying attention  speeding seagull  a summary of uncivil law  question to the daily mail  st edmundsbury council  poetry summit  why i’m vegetarian  hippo  my poetry & the web

video :: Codename: Outbreak  Deus Ex: The Invisible War Doom 3 Far Cry Return To Castle Wolfenstein  X2: The Threat

techno :: Guerilla Tactics  visual c++ 7.1


glazier  molly blog  collage  take the piss  sutherland  ives  prynne  a pint to hand  the london run  dave wise  inactive  boxes  pleasantries  yuk  business rave  gateway rave  BSD to poetry  simulation argument  records  notes  bureaucracy  regulate  elections  CCCP  glitch  nanotechnology  CX grief  different horizons  music in poetry  poetry vs. prose  mobile phones against comments a flash site’s a bimbo site old windows all boots are size 11, sir reusing old computers reconditioning computers why i don’t like apple operating systems this site

video :: introduction  Call of Duty  Halo  Medal of Honour: Breakthrough XIII

GAL :: introduction  why?  non–exclusive  GAL guidelines  general arts licence  history

slow :: introduction  qualità rossa  tour de france


techno, poetry  poetry and parasite  squirrels’ bollocks  wet earth


miss demeanour  oh granny  i be no cybercafé  for a questionnaire  pea shooter  NT police department

GEM :: introduction  downloads  workbench  statement


scrooge cards  an ignorance  A letter to my MP  an ex does nice


a giveaway


XM  hello  i bought it  to the Times  minion top gear  hello doris


not blown away  psion  oiling  the ministerial 3/3  the ministerial 2/3  the ministerial 1/3  why i became vegetarian  motorway blow–out  cars & computers owned  the cx centre  running a classic car  prestige  mourning princess di  leaving do  on Eric Siddique  a burst water main  not much  no renewal  sodding typical  munich to bedford  bitters beer  no fret  writing and editing  setting up a website  on owning a DS  shooting skills  hay fever  on the UN  various boozes  music shops  on owning land  knackered  economy  exhaust  rumbustious music  meat substitutes  house hunting  jousting students  across europe  edited by a blind dog  fen sea  after glass  the old religion  landscapes  poetry workshops  me, food and the US  vegging out  food and culture  DS & CX  looking like the proper  favourite composers  applying the spots  childhood dream  a nice little tale  US DS  distraction dislike  my aunt’s funeral  bye bye brünhilde  an impotent vulcan  hardware testing  windows 95 feedback


on owning a goddess  brünhilde survives  not crow road  new pub landlord  a lie of peace  no longer political  rotten drivers


austria  a CD to excite a nerd  RIP David Senior  it is the weather  visiting the usa


the dratted cat  can’t resist boasting  all that snoring  playing with warp


young radicals  bulletin boards


the greens

ancient front