

30 Added & edited that’s it.
25 Edited honey bee :: [E] (iii), (iv) & (vi). Recorded all honey bee :: [E], and assembled them into a new arts & ego podcast episode. Recorded honey bee :: [F].
24 Recorded honey bee :: [A], [B], [C] & [D], and assembled them into a new arts & ego podcast episode. Edited early eventing.
23 Added & edited early eventing. Edited recital. Backported more old events to past events, covering 2003 & pre 2003.
22 Added recital & nationality. Backported old events to past events, covering 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2013.
20 Edited my arts CV.
19 Edited chant of the tory brexiteers and tempsford.
18 Added tempsford.
14 Edited chant of the tory brexiteers and quern.
13 Added chant of the tory brexiteers and quern.
11 Edited nitrokey.
10 Added nitrokey. Edited kona.
9 Archived versions of arts & ego, devongarde.com, dylanharris.eu & web.mac.com/artsandego have been added to to the vault.
8 Edited kona.
7 Added and edited spoken word berlin and indieweb camp berlin.
6 Added berlin :: (i) & (ii), L :: (xiv), parc :: (xxxiv), wort and vollek.
2 Edited kona.