An evening with Pierre Joris and Nicole Peyrafitte
When: Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Where: at our new venue
Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris
(The shop will be closed in June but will open especially for this
Poets Live reading.)
Mtro: Odon
Pierre Joris has moved between the US, Europe & North Africa for 45 years, publishing close to 50 books of poetry, essays and translations. In 2014 he published Barzakh: Poems 2000-2012 (Black Widow Press), Breathturn Into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry of Paul Celan, translated & with commentary by PJ, (Farrar, Straus & Giroux); A Voice full of Cities: The Collected essays of Robert Kelly, co-edited with Peter Cockelbergh, (Contra Mundum Press); Bernat Manciets Ode to James Dean, co-translated from Occitan with Nicole Peyrafb01;tte (mindmade books), as well as a new edition of Breccia: Selected poems 1972-1986 (Skylight Press). Other recent books include Meditations on the Stations of Mansur al-Hallaj (poems) from Chax Press in 2013 & in 2012 The University of California Book of North African Literature (vol. 4 in the Poems for the Millennium series), coedited with Habib Tengour as well as Exile is My Trade: A Habib Tengour Reader edited, introduced & translated by Pierre Joris (Black Widow Press); in 2011 Pierre Joris: Cartographies of the In-between, a collection of essays on Joris work edited by Peter Cockelbergh came out from Litteraria Pragensia, Charles University, Prague.
Nicole Peyrafb01;tte is a pluridisciplinary artist born and raised in the Gascony part of the Pyrenees & residing in Brooklyn, NY. Her texts, voice-work, paintings, videos, & cooking are displayed in a range of multi-lingual & multi-faceted performances. Her recent publications are: Bi-Valve: Vulvic Space /Vulvic Knowledge ” 17 texts, 17 visuals, 1 recipe & a recoding just came out by ditions Plaine Page. Also out a limited dition of Carnet by Redfox press & Forthcoming: USSCO/APES ”ditions Plaine Page 2016. Her visual work is currently on view at Gallery EdOUard Paradis in Marseille. In 2012 she co directed a 22 minute fb01;lm-documentary Basil King Mirage w/ Miles Joris Peyrafb01;tte.
Next POETS LIVE event will be Thursday, September 10, 2015 at Berkeley Books of Paris. Have a good summer, everyone!
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If you'd like to know what's happening in the anglophone poetry and prose communities here in Paris, browse the Paris Readings & Events listing. If you're interested in polylingual open mic, there's Spoken Word. There are many other reading series, including the bilingual Ivy Writers, Double Change and Pause on the Landing.