image: montmartre

For the first time in six years, we exhibited my work at konscht am gronn, the open air arts fair in Luxembourg city. It runs on the first Sunday of the month between May and October, annually.

The reasons for the break are twofold:

  1. I didn’t exhibit in 2019 because my printer broke. The timing was bad. I wanted to buy a good replacement, which, to be honest, ruled out anything from a local computer store. That ruled out buying quickly, which in turn ruled out exhibiting in 2019. In the end, I made my choice, budgetted the money, and …
  2. … the cow flu came along. Although, in retrospect, exhibiting outdoors at konscht am gronn might have been one of the safer people things to do, at the time we decided not to do so.

Anyway, yesterday’s overcast event could have been worse. I covered the cost of the booking, but not my other overheads. This didn’t surprise me, the only new(–ish) material I had on show was flowers of esch.

One important thing, to me, about events like this is the opportunity to network with other exhibitors. This is part of the reason why I will return in August, with new prints.