
31 Added an introduction to the GEM section.
30 Added a blog. Modified Drafting How. Moved nosh into prose. Integrated links to site ©, and references to The General Arts Licence, into cha cha cha in the site’s home page.
29 Added fuddle. Edited server room.
28 Edited The General Arts Licence. Tidied up some creative spellings and sorted out some HTML hyphens and quotes.
26 Added northumberland. Edited server room.
24 Added Reply. Edited server room.
23 Added server room.
22 Edited and moved The General Arts Licence. Edited easter sunday, discard1256.
21 Added workahol. Edited The General Arts Licence, Why Copyleft, easter sunday, garden, discard123456 and The Names Of Here :: America, Bedford, Cambridge, Keighly, Milton Keynes and Sandy.
20 Edited easter sunday.
17 Edited An Ode To My Ego, To Let, The Cause Of War (retitled from Hijk) and Dog Sound (retitled from Dog Sound Poetry). Edited The General Arts Licence, and rearranged the associated section of prose, adding an introduction and some copying guidelines.
15 Edited the © notice, to make this site, and as much content as I can, copyleft.
10 Edited Don’t Understand, A Well–Kept Pint of Burton, On The Sonnet and Sharp.
6 Edited and promoted discard6. Promoted easter sunday, Epigram On San Francisco, garden, The Names Of Here :: America, Bedford, Cambridge, Keighly, Milton Keynes, Norfolk and Sandy. Edited hijk.
4 Aha: found someone who is happy to do some modelling for me. Given the camera’s gone, it’s probably a good thing the set I’d like to take needs a crap pocket snapshooter. Edited harvest, i’d prefer to remember summer, ghost, Sharp, easter sunday, hijk, The Names Of Here :: America, Bedford, Cambridge, Keighly, Milton Keynes, Norfolk and Sandy.
3 Added Dog Sound Poetry, a very simple sound poem, a consequence of last weekend’s CCCP. Edited garden, easter sunday and discard6. Promoted On The Sonnet.
1 Added The Names Of Here :: Milton Keynes.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved