
31 Edited poetry :: Copyleft.
26 Edited intelligence still booting.
25 Edited and promoted intelligence still booting, The Names Of Here :: Manchester, Catford; discard :: 7 8, and consumer abuse as 9.
24 Added consumer abuse, and Slow Reviews to Prose, starting with a review of Kraftwerk’s Tour De France Soundtracks.
20 A number of people are having difficulty reading the text on this site, so I’ve restored instructions on how to calibrate monitors, by linking to another site with a good set of instructions.
14 Edited Intruder Alert and The Names Of Here :: Catford.
12 Promoted the clarion :: little diddems, Scared Of Spiders. Edited intelligence still booting, The Names Of Here :: America, Manchester, Catford and discard :: 7, 8.
11 Tidied up the legal stuff, and linked to this site’s host’s referral program, mainly because I’m happy with their service. Sod all arts stuff, which worries me.
1 Edited The Names Of Here :: Catford and Manchester, intelligence still booting, discard :: 8 and the clarion :: Scared Of Spiders.

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved