
rushes Hymnen --- an engineering rush --- engineering rush again --- the A rush --- tin rush
the A rush r (ii) --- r (i) --- o --- h --- e --- d --- c --- a --- Top
Angst Cycle The Door --- Father --- I've Always Had Steep Mountains --- Watford Gap --- Why Is England So Full Of Foolsimage: set --- (Untitled) --- So I Dream --- Letter --- Top
The Clarion lord pisswater's clarion --- beer and pindar --- damn the clarion --- little diddems --- Scared Of Spiders --- Paper --- bigot reinforcementimage: may offend language bigots --- Top
discard 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4image: may offend language bigots --- 5 --- 6 --- 7 --- 8 --- Top
an engineering rush new scientist --- a song so dire --- the argument --- another bitch --- homeworkimage: published --- hymnen --- recreated arts --- the game --- oh godsmay offend language bigots --- rushed off --- unanswering --- Top
engineering rush again jumbo crash --- time --- defect --- less --- immensities --- paper --- rewind --- light --- here --- quanta --- humanic --- the A rush --- Top
Epigrams On Science --- On Al - Qaida --- On Islam --- San Francisco --- Science --- On The USA --- On The West --- On Fear --- Top
Exercises (From A Cley Weekend) Riddle --- Why I Prefer Schoenberg --- (Untitled) --- Family Photo Album --- Top
flock state echo echo --- create new killer our fear --- strike pale --- epigram on the USA --- kinder --- military --- fifth say --- victory impossible --- and on the ninth day… --- oh there --- Top
Fugues Fugues --- More Fugues --- Pop Fugues --- Top
glistimage: published 1 --- 2image: may offend language bigots --- 3 --- 4 --- Top
Hymnen [notes] --- Technical Note --- If --- Teaserimage: published --- Machine Solo αpublished --- Converse --- Man Solopublished --- Machine Solo βpublished --- Top
Limericks And Corks Introduction --- There Was A Young Lady Called Venus --- A Newspaper Editor Saidimage: may offend language bigots --- I'm Sitting Upon This 'Ere Train --- 'twas Ten Years Ago To This Day --- There Once Was A Cat And A Dog --- Look Back To The Romany Times --- There Was A Young Man In A Bed --- There Once Was A Bureaucrat --- There Was A Young Man From Nantucketmay offend language bigots --- There Once Was A Monday On Tuesday --- It Wasn't What I Really Expected --- Cork --- Top
Namings America --- Bedford --- Cambridge --- Catford --- Keighly --- Manchester --- Milton Keynes --- Norfolk --- Sandy --- Top
Poetry push pop --- select --- techno --- what --- Copyleft --- pah! --- early a --- Top
Regrowimage: published Manifesto --- Father --- Sonimage: published --- Program --- Top
Scenes From A Blackpool Conference Scenes From A Blackpool Conference --- Dog Seaimage: published --- After Eighteen Months --- After Silent Years --- Exhausted --- Top
Software Engineering 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- Top
Swoop 1 --- 2 --- 3image: may offend language bigots --- 4 --- 5 --- Top
tin rush po --- ba --- fi --- vo --- pp --- ti --- fuimage: may offend language bigots --- ni --- ag --- av --- ee --- hu --- ei --- xu --- Top
uncivil law introduction --- centuries --- unjustice --- complexity --- money --- smirk --- flame --- magistrates --- age --- wrong --- invention --- scotland --- criminal --- democracy --- consent --- piano --- parliament --- citizen --- bailiff --- bones --- health --- maid --- blackbox --- 53 --- fear --- Top
A Village, Old Families Introduction --- Ceremony --- Inn --- Top
Water The Anger Of Water --- Three Flawed --- Viaduct --- The Mere Of Ice --- Cold War --- Top
image: poetry





the A rush
Angst Cycle
The Clarion
an engineering rush
engineering rush again
Exercises (From A Cley Weekend)
flock state
Limericks And Corks
Scenes From A Blackpool Conference
Software Engineering
tin rush
uncivil law
A Village, Old Families

image: published published
image: set set
image: uses raw english euphemism free
image: translation translation

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris