
29 Edited 20.0l, entangled, angle, engineering rush again time immensities (was laze) light humanic (extracted from defect) defect here less rewind quanta the A rush (was tangle) and the A rush 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
28 Added draft 20.0l, rearranged 20.0k. It was a total shock; got one sequence promoted, shove an interesting phrase it, and it promptly generates another sequence. Added entangled and the A rush 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7.
27 Promoted engineering rush again (was more engineering rush). Added more engineering rush light and here. Edited more engineering rush defect laze less (was ish) quanta tangle and rewind. Rearranged the sequence.
26 Promoted the bigotry fugue into More Fugues (6), edited and promoted angle and uncivil law 53. Repositioned uncivil law age, and renamed unjustice (was injustice).
25 Added angle. Edited uncivil law 53.
23 Edited uncivil law 53 and my CV.
22 Added uncivil law 53.
20 Promoted fifty year guess and The Clarion bigot reinforcement. Edited and promoted The Clarion Papers. Edited when the morons declared war, flock state :: strike pale column victory impossible and on the ninth day… and more engineering rush defect laziness (was efficiency through laziness) ish tangle jumbo crash.
19 Added Fugues Bigotry. Edited fifty year guess and flock state column.
18 Added The Clarion bigot reinforcement, edited, and moved into The Clarion, Papers (was The Daily Mail).
17 Added draft 20.0k. Edited 8.11.3, fifty year guess, when the morons declared war, look rich apple grows, english garden, remembering the slits, be infinity, a then, i’m a gorgonzola, core, Epigrams On The West On Al–Qaida On Science and flock state create new killer our fear strike pale.
12 Added more engineering rush jumbo crash. Edited english garden (was apply), more engineering rush defect (was let’s work this out) efficiency through laziness ish and tangle. Moved haiku from formal to antihaiku in short form. Rearranged 20.0e. Added Before The Bush War to 20.0a, Bright to 19.9b, M6 and Angst Cycle Father Why Is England So Full Of Fools to 19.8c.
11 Edited flock state and on the ninth day…, 20.0e and 20.0j.
10 Edited final tv big, in the name of and flock state kinder military column and on the ninth day….
8 Edited watch the desire of love to exist, fifty year guess, The Daily Mail, more engineering rush let’s work this out time and flock state echo echo (was past) strike pale kinder military column (was fifth say) victory impossible and on the ninth day…. This site is now licensed by the more refined version 2.0 of the Creative Commons Attribution–ShareAlike License (now Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike Licence 2.5).
6 Edited flock state strike pale and The Daily Mail. Added potato press content and index, and edited the intro.
4 Promoted rile. Added The Daily Mail and more engineering rush time.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved