
Wurm im Apfel

Higg’s Bosonlines stride yellowantwerp (ii)so many barsdog & sandearly winter roseserver roomall hands(i)(ii)mechelenshinearmchair firefighting(viii)


autumnanimal magnetismbremen(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)tenforamechelenshineC++7ICEall hands


the A rushschelde foot tunneldye–de–hoantwerp (ii)tram linesclip monopolydim him an ignorefrom Sappho image: translation publishedlines stride yellowpeered image: setdiscard image: published1234 image: uses powerful languagenorthumberland image: setwhen the trains first came


flock statecreate new killer our fearfrom Sappho image: translation publishedtension nitro ego image: publishedeaster sunday image: publisheddiscard image: published1234 uses powerful language5678glist image: published1clip monopoly image: publishedpeerednorthumberland image: set

when the trains first came

Underneath The Lockwhen the trains first camescratbygentleRegrowFatherSonimage: publishedProgramEpigram on the USAOf Carolineglistpublishedshrinespublishedold man Keatsbeer and pindaruncivil lawcenturiesinventioncriminalpianohealththe three monksAn Ode To The A14

dog sea

At Buckfast AbbeyThe Queen Of Santa FeHome TownAn Ode To The A14 image: publishedInnDriving The TreesLeicester StationLeicester Square image: published setNorth Of Kylesku image: setDog Sea image: publishedscratbyDarmstadt image: publishedFenland Sketches1 image: published23 4 image: uses powerful language

fear in flight god

… And Then I’ll Break The SeaAt Buckfast Abbey image: publishedAn Eighteenth Century Beam EngineFear In Flight, God12Epigrams on ScienceI Don’t Visit My Mother’s Grave image: publishedChance Is Such A Scornful God image: publishedHome TownOld Funeral MusicIn Another ConversationBut It’s For The Children …ici, pour les enfants image: published setHymnen[notes]Technical NoteIfTeaser image: publishedMachine Solo α image: publishedConverseMan Solo image: publishedMachine Solo β image: publishedshrines

hence the coldness

A Bicycle Criticises Concorde For Not Observing ButterfliesAn Eighteenth Century Beam EngineHence The Coldnesschase chaseimage: publishedI Don’t Visit My Mother’s Graveimage: publishedIntruder Alert image: published image: setJust Protectionism?On Hunting With HoundsScorpionThere’s Money In MechanicsWe, The Fell image: publishedGreyOf Caroline image: publishedNursery Verse For Nursery HeadsCavity Wall InsulationSwoop_1__2__3_image: uses powerful language_4__5_

it’s my hands

gentleIt’s My Hands image: publishedNew Year’s Eves image: publishedDon’t UnderstandHer Catching Eyes image: publishedHome TownI Saw A Sleek SeductionLost Sanctuary image: publishedThe Pub Quiz League image: publishedFive Days image: setThere Was A Young Lady From VenusThese Words, They Were Not Said image: published image: set

old man keats

…And Then I’ll Break The Seaan engineering rush (i)homework image: publishedgentlegreenGuinness image: publishedHome TownHymnen[notes]Technical NoteIfTeaser image: publishedMachine Solo α image: publishedConverseMan Solo image: publishedMachine Solo β image: publishedNorth Of Kylesku image: setold man KeatsThe Queen Of Santa FeSwoop123 image: uses powerful language45Underneath The Loch

push pop

push pop image: uses powerful languageAccelerating Is Language EnglishWhy I Prefer SchoenberggentleElsewhenFuguesgreenin cynic adverati… a much for we …WaterThe Anger Of WaterThree FlawedViaductThe Mere Of IceRegrow image: publishedManifestoFatherSon image: publishedProgramselectwhen the trains first camepah!

the trumpet blown

My Difficulty With Melancholy image: publishedTobacco’s Such A TreatDon’t UnderstandAn Ode To My EgoAn Ode To The A14 image: publishedThe Trumpet Blown image: publishedOf Caroline image: publishedThere Was A Young Lady From VenusNursery Verse For Nursery HeadsWorking ForGuinness image: publishedCheese And Onion Sandwiches image: publishedthe three monks

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