
28 Edited james & AI.
27 Edited james & AI.
26 Edited james & AI.
24 Edited james & AI and music for pleasure.
23 Added and edited james & AI and music for pleasure.
22 Added haut fourneau :: (i), (ii) & (iii) and L :: (iv).
21 Added fire :: (xxviii), (xxix) & (xxx); flower :: (xi) and thames poly :: (xi). Edited (the provisional) X :: [A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F] & [G].
20 Edited (the provisional) X :: [E], [F] & [G].
19 Edited (the provisional) X :: [A], [B] & [D].
16 Added and edited podcasts. Added flower :: (x), fire :: (xxvii) and abstract :: (ix), (x) & (xi).
15 Separated fire from abstract, which was renumbered. Integrated vispo. Added abstract :: (vii) & (viii); apparently; auto (v); fire :: (ii), (iii), (v), (vi), (xxii), (xxiii) & (xxvi); home (iv); thames poly (x) and thamesmead :: (i) & (ii). Edited PC Peter Grant.
14 Added roxton and norwich (vi). Edited PC Peter Grant.
13 Edited PC Peter Grant.
11 Added PC Peter Grant.
9 Added abstract :: (xxiv) & (xxv), and norwich :: (iii), (iv) & (v).
8 Added auto :: (ix).
7 Added photo by subject indices, plus edinburgh (xx), family (xi), flower (ix) & abstract (xxii).
5 Added flower :: (iii), (iv) & (v).
4 Added abstract :: (xix), (xx) & (xxi) and edinburgh :: (xix).
3 Added and edited aperture.
2 Added konscht am gronn; added and edited konscht am gronn.
1 Noted the forthcoming konscht am gronn.