This is my No Man’s Sky freighter, the “Iain Banks”. The layout is mostly functional, but with some upstairs decoration, just because. It’s nothing particularly silly, though.

I actually wanted to call the ship “El Bonko”, in honour of the great author’s own chosen Culture name, but the presumptive prudes at Hello Games killed that—I suspect really because Iain Banks was a far better world builder than them.

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot