angst cycle (iii)
[ƹ] (ii)
wilde i think it was or someone
said or wrote or someone
it is so difficult to give in to temptation
and it is it is
my automatic response
collared by the darktime salesmen
men women it’s the job not the gender
is no thank and bugger off politely and i do too
like they insert barriers
of their own that is other people’s
self–promotion block decision
with loud blown mumble catch jungle
but this is the irony
it is their trade i need to use
to envitalise my lust
awake the lava no not lava the steam
the dark night engine steam
the black engine racing through the
i can’s see the black trees black grass black side
but i know they’re all there and slight applauding–esque
racing racing night train but not carrying the post
yeah yeah yeah deliver packet bollocks what a crap allusion
black and gleaming steam the lights following from outside
interesting where do they come from
power power what’s the power
aircraft no spacecraft no
outside the simulation argument
delivering light within
ok so i must arise the coal
allow it to radioactive to red
boilerise the press boilerise the pressure
fuck the language too it seems
go man go man go man go
mango mango mango man
go man go man go man go
mango mango mango man
done that before
reprise allow the press to arise
and it must be done
move the dentist to tuesday
i think
allow the friday night
to delight just a wee delight