
31 Edited concrete :: vector paint styles.
29 Added concrete :: vector paint styles & water smears.
28 Edited contacts.
27 Added and edited bye bye outlook, contacts & keyboards.
26 Edited quantum gravity.
23 Added concrete :: text paint & vector backgrounds.
21 Added flower :: (xviii), fond–de–gras :: (iv) & wood :: (xxxi). Edited quantum gravity.
20 Added quantum gravity & open day, and lëtzebuerg :: (xi).
19 Added concrete :: spray paint & sumi vector and raster.
14 Added concrete :: spiros auto, splatters & splatters—vector, and a new concrete cast.
15 Restored PGP keys to front, and edited keys, now it’s become clear the PGP problems are really client problems.
14 Removed PGP keys from front, and edited keys, following reports that PGP has been smashed wide open.
13 Added lisbon and new lens.
12 Added concrete :: sketch—vector & sketch tools—pens pencils markers and escher blummen :: (ࢃÙd;), (ࢃÙd;ࡺ) & (ࢃÙd;ࡻ). Edited application.
10 Added application, flower :: (xv), (xvi) & (xvii); L :: (xii); lisbon :: (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi); parc :: (xxix) & (xxx) and sintra.
1 Added concrete :: shakes — vector and raster.