25 | Added & edited an installation & typical bases. Added The Actress & The Bishop. |
20 | Added flughaven. Edited hyades. |
18 | Added crowland, hyades, theatre & co–working. Edited le bordel de grand fromage and elderly misc. |
17 | Added elderly misc, first base & escher. |
15 | Edited euclid and filthy goals. |
14 | Added euclid and filthy goals. |
13 | Edited unclean. |
12 | Added unclean. Edited freedom vs freedom. |
11 | Added freedom vs freedom. |
10 | Added nuit de la culture. |
8 | Added flowers of esch. |
7 | Added esch–sur–alzette :: (xxxiii), (xxxiv), & (xxxv). |
2 | Edited escher lyrik [M] :: (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v), with input gratefully received from Armand Becker. All mistakes are mine alone. |
1 | Edited dance. |