angst cycle (iii)
[Z] (vii)

i can imagine
the trade in
illegal drugs
prompted by
the lack of income
prompted by
the illegal residency
prompted by
the lack of respect
for the visa laws

i can imagine

i cannot imagine
a fight
that only has
one willing
and no
to the police

i cannot imagine
a fight
that only has
one willing
with the entirely
thrown out
by the entirely

i cannot imagine

i can imagine
the flow
of foolery

i can imagine
the flow
of denial

i can imagine
the flow
of naïvity

i can imagine
the flow
of immaturity

i can imagine

i have fed
on inconsistencies
and created
an imagination

it’s the inconsistencies
that should be recognised
not the imagination

it’s the inconsistencies
that reveal
the depth
of the mistake

not the imagination

i can imagine
but don’t need to

i can imagine

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