
31 Edited going ungrey and devolo 1200+.
30 Edited devolo 1200+.
29 Added devolo 1200+. Edited going ungrey.
28 Edited going ungrey.
27 Edited going ungrey.
26 Edited going ungrey and escher poems :: [G].
25 Added and edited going ungrey. Edited escher poems :: [G].
24 Added and edited escher poems :: [G].
21 Edited (the provisional) X :: [G], and recorded (the provisional) X :: [D], [E], [F] & [G]. Mixed the october 2017 episode of the arts & ego podcast.
19 Added clock activeX control source code. Corrected 21 years aweb.
17 Added front.
15 Added veianen (was vianden) :: (), (), () & (). Expanded 20 years aweb.
14 Added 20 years aweb.
9 Edited local elections.
8 Added and edited local elections.
8 Added and edited 5am.
3 Added mornington crescent and family :: 19.
2 Added alnmouth :: (iii); blackpool :: (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv); edinburgh :: (xxi); flower :: (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix) & (x); L :: (vii), (viii) & (ix); north :: (iv); train :: (xiv) and yorkshire :: (xii), (xiii), (xiv) & (xv). Edited blackpool, bye bye apple, edinburgh, family & illuminated.
1 Added bye bye apple, sculpture, edinburgh, blackpool, borked blighty & family.