

antwerp burblearmchair firefighting(x)(xi)(xii)big town blues (i)that was this morningmy grey is a coatbikini hotelup the kriekdenk zulsmall empire of lifelobby watchthat is you luxembourgers’ faultbig town blues (ii)degraded stresssince the day is wastedthe conversatieeveer horizonpupatesea pictureit’s processthe vibratebig town blues (iii)cross tensionat the delicious lifebeing the smogleek & stiltonuse of weaponsbig city bluessmog codait’s in the writebig town blues (iv)la voiture didn’t careimage: Frenchwas habe ichfour yearsexercisedsmall barrierbox tickjust a leakla finbig town blues (v)1983vingt cinq anse la fotocamerathe tailoringsummer blueroutemasterthe riggingthe housebig town blues (vi)high streamnormally falsedead leaf brownstone rushdistant bandas sid saida warning shadeair a water brightbig town blues (vii)just a slicetechnology of choiceno not beliefour rounded cityhonourable mrs council officialrain raindrunkschum likebig town blues (viii)himbeerencat gutobjectivity’s a mythburningthe competitioncastno refreshmentcodabig town blues (ix)darkeningkölnincidentimage huntpinocchio’s nosetwo old buddiesrich jacketcoda codabig town blues (x)shiva mary’s sonmy beautiful turbulencecrashed this guyslur beliefcarried from the barmeasure their pondshellsuitedabovebig town blues (xi)number number—wenty t—belovedmoreconflictedand confer the same badremeasure their ponddo you wanna dancebig town blues (xii)je vais la vieairportbuckethaillow city of declinemorosedesoléestrangers’ pavementbig town blues (xiii)kick le foot offover the cloudsbrushing the homelandthe breeze of breathbright green the lights of the …builtdid you helpdrowse the drawn likethe fame do the localfootstepsthe hand of taste image: uses powerful languagehappenedi’d stood 30 minsierland is geen belgië(iii)(iv)in politic(i)(ii)(iii)movieon aghastsore didthe positive pompousthe prevarication of flowersskelet centraalsneak like the image: uses powerful languagethan the sun risestomorrow tonightwaterthe brick the brick the pattern brickwho’s the heron


21st century mechanical95all hands(i)(ii)(iii)argument, afterarmchair firefighting(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)(xii)burtonla chanson du singecitroën dscollective nouns(i)(ii)crampsdog & sanddog sample dazeEmpty landeen engelsman in ierland image: Dutcheurope image: Dutchexcuse me image: uses powerful language(fallen)fallonsfinse(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)gwynedd onierland is geen belgië(i)(ii)ignoring the …intention and the window glasslege land image: translationlooking the jungle foliagemechelenshinemy father was a ufono pit is not no claysmall livesyou just don’t expectthe dead cat bluesmeet the kittiessometimes a guy just needs a beerbeer & poetrywhite the traini am the airnot tensuch fur to strokenoclichéi am hitit’s not an alien axei’ve seen deniedif i pounce thesesotail up image: uses powerful languagestolesuccestalentalking beerwatch the waterwaterford frontsweekendwing mirror


and then there’s the mediocre mouthsAnimal Magnetismautumnbremen(i)(ii)(iii) image: uses powerful language(iv)dragonsforagenerationalHigg’s BosonICEinstead of Shakespeare image: uses powerful languagemechelensoundscenerestaurant wallsatoriialSprache image: Germanswanten


1.1.6advocateantwerp (ii)schelde foot tunneltram linesnew cityso many barstalking poetryfor pete’s sake image: uses powerful languageantwerp (iii)antwerp (iv)12beansbug crackedC++1234567cathedral level court caughtthe deep crash remainsdemodye–de–hoif she dresses–ineluxembourg(i)(ii)mechelenshootpaperthe daily mailthe daily expressthe sunthe timesthe daily telegraphthe guardianthe independentplayer123this ‘bright’ life


5.5.57aknacoqi2uxafterwordantwerp (i)012 image: uses powerful language34balance still accelerando& beer &broken the night acrosschuff or that’s why the fragging counterstrikechurch is dangerous vitalclip monopoly image: publishedconfidence begandim him an ignoredrawnefrom Sappho image: a translation publishedGalveston tonightgrandlines stride yellowLittle Willie (recast)Lord Protector(i)(ii)movie stamp & splash akinpeeredtoll rain tellpuzzle soredtension nitro ego image: publishedupsetWhy The Black Background?you beautiful cascade


A14image: uses powerful languagethe A rushr (ii)r (i)ohedcaanglechristmas card poemThe ClarionPapersbigot reinforcementimage: uses powerful languagecold pityan engineering rush (ii)jumbo crashtimedefectlessimmensitiespaperrewindlightherequantahumanicthe A rushenglish gardenentangledEpigramsOn FearOn Politicsfifty year guessfinal tv big image: publishedflock state image: setecho echocreate new killer our fearstrike paleepigram on the USAkinderimage: uses powerful languagemilitaryfifth sayvictory impossibleand on the ninth day…image: uses powerful languageoh thereimage: uses powerful languagefood studioi’m a gorgonzolain the name oflook rich apple growslou reedrileseeking integritytin rush image: publishedpobafivopptifuimage: uses powerful languageniagaveehueixuTo Let Toouncivil law53watch the desire of love to existthe washer machine brokeWaterCold WarWe Drunken Hereimage: a translation


8.11.3a thenbaconbe infinityBefore The Bush WarThe Cause Of WarThe Clarionlittle diddemsScared Of Spiderscoreimage: uses powerful languagedead writediscard image: published1234image: uses powerful language5678Dog Soundearly winter roseimage: uses powerful languageeaster sunday image: publishedengland corruptedimage: uses powerful languageEpigramsOn San FranciscoOn The Westfuddleimage: uses powerful languageFuguesMore FuguesPop Fuguesgarden image: setghost image: setglist image: published12image: uses powerful language34her rani am perfect its the universes faultintelligence still bootingInstructions For A Common CeremonyNamingsAmerica image: setBedfordCambridgeCatfordKeighlyManchesterMilton KeynesNorfolkSandynation six dogimage: uses powerful languagenorthumberland image: setoh dear what a pity there thereOn The SonnetPoetrypah!early aReplyremembering the dasimage: uses powerful languageserver roomimage: setscratbyshrinesimage: publishedstill bitingTo Letimage: setuncivil lawintroductionbailiffcriminalsmirkwrongwhen the morons declared warimage: uses powerful languagewhen the trains first cameworkahol


bathroom spiderchase chaseimage: publishedThe Clarionlord pisswater’s clarionbeer and pindardamn the clarionChina Poemimage: uses powerful languageDon’tDemon InternetEpigramsOn Al–QaidaOn IslamOn ScienceOn The USAan engineering rush (i)new scientista song so direthe argumentanother bitchhomeworkimage: publishedhymnenrecreated artsthe gameoh godsimage: uses powerful languagerushed offunansweringFenland Sketches4image: uses powerful languageFuguesFuguesgentlegreenharvestimage: publishedA Horrible DayOn Hunting With Houndsi’d prefer to remember summerIn Me; ShivaIntruder Alertimage: publishedsetThe Joy Of Taxpublishedlater… a much for we …old man KeatsPoetrypush popselecttechnowhatCopyleftRegrow image: publishedManifestoFatherSonimage: publishedProgramSharpsod the worldimage: uses powerful languageSoftware Engineering123Sweet And Stupidthe three monksuncivil lawcenturiesunjusticecomplexitymoneyflamemagistratesageinventionscotlanddemocracyconsentpianoparliamentcitizenboneshealthmaidblackboxfearUnderneath The LochWe, The Fellimage: published


… And Then I’ll Break The SeaElsewhenHence The Coldnessin cynic adveratiLittle WillieA LondonMy Difficulty With Melancholyimage: publishedNew Year’s Evesimage: publishedScorpionThe Poet Illustrates…image: uses powerful languageThere’s Money In MechanicsThoughts On Odes To NightingalesA Simple FantasyTobacco’s Such A TreatVanillaWaterThe Anger Of WaterThree FlawedViaductThe Mere Of Ice image: set


A Bicycle Criticises Concorde For Not Observing ButterfliesAt Buckfast Abbeyimage: publishedDamageAn Eighteenth Century Beam EngineFear In Flight, God12I Don’t Visit My Mother’s Graveimage: publishedIt’s My Handsimage: publishedJust Protectionism?Neil Armstrong Is My Explorer Of The MillenniumThe Queen Of Santa FeWhat Do Lemmings Eat


Brightimage: publishedChance Is Such A Scornful Godimage: publishedDon’t UnderstandDriving The TreesExercises (From A Cley Weekend)RiddleWhy I Prefer Schoenberg(Untitled)Family Photo AlbumA Fenland Poet’s AdviceHer Catching Eyesimage: publishedHome TownI Saw A Sleek SeductionLost Sanctuaryimage: publishedAn Ode To My EgoAn Ode To The A14image: publishedOld Funeral MusicOn Saying NoSlough, Pronounced In French, Is “Slug”Swoop123image: uses powerful language45Tringimage: publishedA Village, Old FamiliesIntroductionCeremonyInnA Well–Kept Pint Of Burton


Accelerating Is Language EnglishDedicationExpanding HorizonsFenland Sketches1image: published23GreyMarketing Honour, Poetry Qualityimage: uses powerful languageObligatory Cat PoemOn Being A NerdStarr From The OutsideThe Trumpet Blownimage: published


Am LemmingDoris’s Day Outimage: publishedThe Pub Quiz Leagueimage: published


Beer And ConversationIt Must Be ChristmasOf Carolineimage: published


Fivers Wander Down The StreetLeicester StationA Moment Of PizzaMoon Shadowed Walkimage: setRoseSunlit Gloomimage: publishedWorking For…image: set


Dear PaulGuinnessimage: publishedHymnen[notes]Technical NoteIfTeaserimage: publishedMachine Solo αimage: publishedConverseMan Soloimage: publishedMachine Solo βimage: publishedici, pour les enfantsimage: publishedsetIn Another ConversationInmosLimericks And CorksIntroductionThere Was A Young Lady From VenusA Newspaper Editor Saidimage: uses powerful languageI’m Sitting Upon This ’Ere Train’twas Ten Years Ago To This DayThere Once Was A Cat And A DogLook Back To The Romany TimesThere Was A Young Man In A BedThere Once Was A BureaucratThere Was A Young Man From Nantucketimage: uses powerful languageThere Once Was A Monday On TuesdayIt Wasn’t What I Really ExpectedAssamListenerNobelNursery Verse For Nursery HeadsParisWeek


But It’s For The Children …Cavity Wall InsulationChopin And The Chilli Warsimage: publishedcliftonEvery Second, To EveryoneMemories Of Shadows, WordsSoapScenes From A Blackpool ConferenceDog Seaimage: publishedAfter Eighteen MonthsAfter Silent YearsExhaustedSpreading StrandsTouching Each Desire With Happy Jokesimage: publishedWake Up, Wake Up, Oh Slippery SnakeWhy Am I In Politics, You Ask (A Drunken Rant)


Angst CycleThe DoorFatherI’ve Always Had Steep MountainsWhy Is England So Full Of Fools image: set(Untitled)So I DreamLetter…Bob Geldofimage: publishedCheese And Onion Sandwichesimage: publishedCopenhagenDebuggingFive Daysimage: setIs It Coffee In The BloodLaughter Rose Above My Tired DesireLeicester Squareimage: publishedsetM6image: publishedManifestoimage: setNorth Of Kyleskuimage: setPlumstead Station By Electric LightRock (Of The Early Eight) Isimage: setSix Months Ago“Smoke Filled Rooms”image: setThese Words, They Were Not Saidimage: publishedsetThe Old WitchThirty Hours Near The Western Islesimage: setToo Fast To Stopimage: publishedYou Knowimage: set


Angst CycleWatford GapBox Numberimage: setDarmstadtimage: publishedNovember Rain

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